The processing of glass through a VIS machine has produced a quality of glass particle with attributes not see before. This is the first material that we have tested fully with our independent research partners, Melbourne University and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and it bodes well for the materials we are also lining up for in depth testing.
The particle shape impact of our process, as well as the increased chemical reactivity of the particle, are achieving bonding and reactivity results not seen before with the materials we are testing. Our recycled glass program is the showing the way forward in a key recyclable material.
The idea was to have a systematic glass process in place for large scale concrete production so that it can be used for structural concrete. We don't know of any similar work in Australia or the world.
We are achieving groundbreaking results in the amount of glass that can be used as a percentage of the concrete mix and there will be more updates coming in the future in our news releases.
If anyone is looking to investigate the use of recycled glass in your area of the world please feel free to contact us. We can share further detail as well as put you in touch with the University of Melbourne to benefit from the research work they have done on concrete mixes and having defined why the V-glass is such a breakthrough.
Due to the extreme forces and the patented process of applying the VIS machine forces to solid materials, the particle surface is chemically activated and material achieves a reactivity that is far past its natural state
Unlike conventional mechanical comminution plant, the VIS machine produces a jagged and ridged particle that is not smooth and round. This drastically improves the surface area of a particle, thereby also improving particle response to chemical reactions. This kind of shape if also conducive to mechanical compaction for pelleting or improving structural strength in products like concrete
Input glass is sourced from glass recyclers or from processing solar panel squares like the picture above. (See our Solar Panel Recycling Section)
This is the recycled glass post processing by our machine
A batch of 10 tons of V-Glass was mixed into standard OPC concrete mix with the V-Glass replacing riversand. This was a test section done in the Victoria Government Metro Tunnel project in Australia. Our partners on the project: Melbourne University, Holcim Australia and Cement Australia, Cross Yarra Partnership